Time Savers

The following websites help you finish your project in time.

Regular Expression Library: contains more than 2200 expressions divided into categories like Email, Uri, Numbers, Strings, Dates and Times ... etc.

ConnectionStrings.com: a reference for connection strings, currently they have 306 connection strings in their database.

Googol - C# Database Class Generator: a tool to generate easy-to-use C# classes with methods for inserting, updating and deletion of rows in MS SQL Server, MS Access and MySQL databases.

Source Code Search Engines

These search engines are not just for DotNet, but they are quite handy.

Google Code Search: search the code.google.com library.

Codefetch: searches the code of programming books.

Krugle: a comprehensive solution for code maintenance.

koders: searches more than 1 billion lines of open source code.

Ucodit: searches popular open source repositories such as apache.org, java.net and sourceforce.net.