List Drives and Folders in a TreeView Using C#

The .NET Framework makes it easy to read drive and folder details but it does not include a Windows Forms control to automatically list them other than the FolderBrowserDialog control. Here is a fast and …

New Ticketing and Knowledgebase System for Cronless

We released a new update for Cronless that will hopefully ease asking for support and help us keep up with the growing number of tickets. We've integrated with Zendesk to provide a ticketing system, knowledgebase …

Shortcut Keys for Bash

A list of 30 Bash shortcut keys that will save you time. Bash is the default shell in most Linux distributions and the most popular. The shortcuts are divided into 3 sections (navigation, editing and …

A Simple Port Scanner in PHP

  • 07/17/2012
  •   PHP
Here is a simple port scanner written in PHP. It checks if a port is accessible by trying to connect to it using PHP's fsockopen function. The first foreach loop goes through the port numbers …

Managing Application Settings in PHP

There are multiple ways to save application settings/configurations in PHP. You can save them in INI, XML or PHP files as well as a database table. I prefer a combination of the latter two; saving …

SnipsManager Version 2.3 Released

The new version of SnipsManager is available for download. We fixed some bugs and added a few more features: Fixed the text wrapping bug in snippets containing long strings of text without spaces. Improved snippet …

Cronless Now Supports 30 Second Cron Jobs

Today we released a new Cronless update that allows premium members to schedule cron jobs to run every 30 seconds (twice per minute).To make use of this feature create a new job or modify an …

Download And Search Multiple Pages Using PHP

  • 08/02/2011
  •   PHP
Here is a simple way to loop through a list of URLs, download the page and search the contents for a string. The script starts by checking if the post variable $_POST['urls'] is set. If …

Minor Interface Tweaks to Cronless

We did some minor interface and settings tweaks this week to Cronless: Minimized the Server Load's refresh counter to 15 seconds to display a more accurate number. Reformatted the jobs and monitors log pages to …

Backup MySQL Databases to Amazon S3 Using PHP

With a few lines of PHP code and S3tool's s3cmd command-line tool you can backup your MySQL databases automatically to Amazon's S3. To use this script you'll need SSH access to your server. First download …